Colavita Olive Oil 750ml is an extra-virgin olive oil made from a blend of Italian olives. It is cold-pressed and made with no preservatives. It has a mild, fruity flavour and a slight peppery finish.
It can be used for a variety of cooking applications, including baking, roasting, marinating, and dressing salads and pastas. It has a high smoke point, making it a great choice for high-heat cooking.
To get the most out of its flavour, Colavita Olive Oil should be consumed raw and unheated. It can be drizzled on salads and veggies, used as a dip for bread, or added to sauces and marinades.
There are many delicious recipes in Australia that use Colavita Olive Oil, such as roasted vegetables, pesto, and Bruschetta.
Colavita Olive Oil should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
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